
Uncertainty over measurements is a source of anxiety. Thanks to iMapper, this stress has been completely eliminated.

Pélagie Béllity
Interior Designer
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Pélagie Béllity

My name is Pélagie Bellity, I'm 27 and I'm an interior designer in the Yvelines. I work in Versailles and take care of all projects in the west of Paris. I created BLTYdesign two years ago for this purpose.

Projet Gambetta - Pélagie Bélity

What are your daily challenges?

Generally speaking, like all architects, my projects have to please my customers and not disappoint them. But in practice, on a day-to-day basis, I'm faced with technical challenges: taking the right measurements and undertaking feasible projects without ever promising the Moon.

On surveys, there are always delays and errors on the plans. It's a real headache to meet customer expectations on time and on budget.

What was it like before iMapper?

I mainly survey old buildings, especially in Versailles, where the buildings are complex and ruined by time. Honestly, I was very stressed about surveying before iMapper. As I'm alone, I have to admit that taking measurements was particularly laborious. This was a major handicap in managing my schedule.

Why iMapper?

I dreamed of a laser that could take measurements for me, but market prices were far too high for a structure like mine. Then iMapper came along! Whereas taking measurements sometimes took me a whole day (not to mention the 2d plans that had to be recreated, which usually take an extra half-day), I saved a considerable amount of time and achieved unequalled precision by hand.

With iMapper, the margin of error is very small, if not non-existent.

What's the situation now?

Less stress and fewer mistakes when taking ribs. And the simple fact of not making any more mistakes saves me a great deal of time and peace of mind.

What would you say to companies to convince them to use iMapper?

For a start, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to try and convince them: it saves me time and gives my customers confidence. What's more, this time-saving has a positive impact, as I now have the time to tackle projects that were languishing at the bottom of the drawer.

And let's talk price! As I said earlier, I couldn't find a properly priced solution for a structure like mine. Now I've got a state-of-the-art tool that paid for itself in just three days of work - I honestly couldn't have hoped for better.
