
This is one of the tools that I no longer live without.

Dimitri Bodiansky
Architectural firm
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Dimitri Bodiansky


I am Dimitri Bodiansky. I started my career in the music field. Then I founded an audiovisual production company.

In 2014, I focused on architecture and project management. I learned while doing and started to enjoy this field of work. I now have my own company.

Your daily challenges?

First of all, I always approach projects from the point of view of how they will be used. I focus on the client, who the project is for. I listen a lot. Every idea has to fit to the client.

I make an identity card of the flat or the house according to the tastes, the preferences, the way of life of each one... At the end of each project, the most important thing is that my clients feel comfortable in that new habitat.

I decided that this was the concept of the smiling house.

The next challenge is to be reactive and to provide solutions quickly. I work with experts, companies and subcontractors. So rigour and organisation are essential.

Why iMapper?

I used to survey manually, with a lot of tools. I was always looking for a solution to improve accuracy and time. The solutions were too expensive for the size of my company.

In my case, iMapper chose me because of its price, its functionality, its efficiency, its accuracy. I saw an Ad on Instagram. On the iMapper website, I looked at the interviews, the features. It was a tool proportionate to my needs.

I contacted the service, received the iMapper and tested it. I noticed a real efficiency.

What was it like surveying before iMapper?

A lot of time and concentration was required for each project. I invested a lot of money in measuring tools, from tape measures to digital squares to increasingly sophisticated rangefinders.

In the renovation world, the clients' existing plans are all wrong. I was trying to give 200% but I couldn't measure accurately. It was very frustrating not knowing the exact thickness or angle of a wall.

I would get plans that were not right. So I always used a corridor or a small room to make up for the lack of measurements.

What is it like now?

For each new project, I bring the iMapper. I put it on its tripod in the places I have marked. I make sure that each scan is horizontal. And I start to take my readings. The survey phase goes quite quickly.

I get data that is correct. I upload to the online interface, which is very user-friendly. And then I create the plans and build the project.

I draw everything every time (carpentry, kitchens, bathrooms...) So I need an extremely precise and accurate survey.

This allows me to move forward in the work very quickly.

What would you say to companies to convince them to use iMapper?

It is a French solution. For me, it's not usual.

The iMapper team is very accessible. Whenever I need help, they answer the phone. We are also integrated into a community of architects and project managers who enrich the solution. The environment is friendly.

Secondly, the price is more than affordable. In less than a year, the iMapper pays for itself.

The precision is unparalleled. The accuracy of the measurements makes it possible to be faster but also to preserve a lot of time for reflection and creativity.

This is one of the tools that I no longer live without.

All the equipment fits in my bag. It's very practical.

What are the financial benefits?

In my opinion, the solution is not at all exorbitant, even for the size of my company. The machine itself paid for itself within a year. The subscription for the online platform is also very reasonable.

In short?

The iMapper has become my companion that I use at the beginning of every project. It is part of my process.

I don't have any more false survey that I have to correct. It is one less pressure to know that there will be no mistakes.

Throughout the construction process, we can provide answers to customers, even show them live on the computer.

This saves time, accuracy and therefore money.
